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Here you will found all information about the various config values inside vivum-billing/config.lua


To add you need to first create a copy the en.json file inside vivum-billing/locales/en.json and name appropriately, for example vivum-billing/locales/sv.json.

After that, you'll need to change all english locales to your target language (in this case Swedish), and then you are done. Players will see Swedish if they have selected Swedish as their language on the phone, or if you are running standalone mode it will only be used if you change Config.Locale to sv

Fallback Locale (default locale)

If you want to change the locale the resource falls back to if no other appropriate locale was found, this is how:

Config.Locale = "sv"


If you want to add grades to societies that can manage invoices, here is how you do so:

If you want all grades to have permission to manage invoices, you can just specify "all"

Config.Grades = {
police = { "boss", "lieutenant" }
cardealer = { "all" }

App Name

If you want to change the name of the Billing app:

Config.OverrideAppName = "New Billing"

Society Blacklist

If you want to blacklist either sending an invoice to a certain society, or receiving them:

Config.Blacklisted = {
police = { send = true, receive = false } -- Police society will only be able to send, not receive invoices.


If you want to add commission rate (default rate is 0%) to for example Car Dealerships and other similar professions:

Config.Commission = {
cardealer = {
recruit = 0.05, -- Recreuits will receive 5% in commission
novice = 0.15, -- Novices will receive 15% in commission
experienced = 0.3, -- Experienced will receive 30% in commission
boss = 0.0 -- Boss will receive 0%

Default Keybind

If you are running in standalone mode and want to change the default keybind to open the billing app, here is how:

Config.DefaultKeybind = "f8" -- Changed from "f7" (default) to "f8"